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Fraser, Sally,

Dādī mām̐ kā śanivāra kā sūpa = Grandma's Saturday soup / Grandma's Saturday soup. written by Sally Fraser ; illustrated by Derek Brazell ; Hindi translation by Awadhesh Misra. - 31 unnumbered pages : colour illustrations ; 24 x 28 cm.

Translation of: Grandma's Saturday soup. "This book is TalkingPEN enabled"--Inside front cover.

Mimi finds something every day that reminds her of her grandma's stories about growing up in Jamaica and her Saturday soup.

Age 3+. 5-8 years. Mantra Lingua.

Parallel text in Hindi and English.

9781844449361 184444936X

Grandparent and child--Fiction.

Children's stories.
Bilingual books.
Picture books.
