1. Happy after all = Feliz a pesar de todo / by Forzani, Anneke Vanmarcke, Publication: . 23 unnumbered pages : , Translation of: Happy after all. | ''Spanish & English" -- Cover. 25 cm. Availability: Copies available: (1), Actions:
2. La sopa del Sábado de mi abuelita = Grandma's Saturday soup [Spanish and English] / by Fraser, Sally. Publication: London, England : Mantra Lingua, 2005 . 1 v. (unpaged) : , "Spanish & English"--Cover. 25 cm. Date:2005 Availability: Copies available: (1), Actions:
3. El día de los deportes en la jungla = Sports day in the jungle [Spanish and English] / by Newton, Jill, Publication: London, England : Mantra Lingua, 2010 . 1 v. (unpaged) : , "Spanish & English"--Cover. Date:2010 Availability: Copies available: (1), Actions:
4. Comida, comida, fabulosa comida = Food, food, fabulous food / by Clynes, Kate, Publication: . 1 volume (unpaged) : , Translation from the English of: Food, food, fabulous food. | "Spanish & English"--Cover. 24 x 28 cm. Availability: Copies available: (1), Actions:
5. Fabulas del Zorro = Fox fables [Spanish and English] / by Casey, Dawn, Publication: London, England : Mantra Lingua, 2006 . 1 v. (unpaged) : , Collective title from cover. | "This book is TalkingPEN enabled"--P. [2] of cover. | "Fables from around the world". 24 x 28 cm. Date:2006 Availability: Copies available: (1), Actions: